What is Living'N Chocolate?
We are the producer and seller of Chocolate Premium Gift. We also provide a custom made chocolate and flower bouquet just for you special one.
Can I put any budget that I want to but the flower and chocolate bouquet?Yes you may. The minimum is RM 20 and the maximum is Rm 200. Depends on your budget.
How long will it takes for my product to be ready.
Usually it takes about 1 or 2 days. Please place your order at least a day before to get the best product.
How to pay for my purchase?
You can either bank it into our account and send your proof of payment to us via wassap or email, or you may choose to pay it by cash.
How long did it take for my purchase to be delivered?
We will deliver it as soon as it finish or we may postponed it to the exact date and time of your special event.
Please order at least 2 days before, so we can produce the best product for you.
What is the nett price of delivery?
It is just Rm 15 per delivery. Extra cost might be added for extra miles especially outside Kuala Lumpur..
Which area that living'n Chocolate delivery covered?
We cover the whole Kuala Lumpur area and relative region around it.
How can I join Living'n Chocolate Dropship
Please fill up the form in our page 'Be Our Dropship" and we will contact you as soon as possible.
What did I need to do?
There is three main product that we sell.
1) Custom made flower bouquet.
2) Custom made chocolate bouquet.
3) Premium Chocolate Gift.
You may sell any or all of it.
How about the margin of profit?
You may get up to 30% profit for every purchase your customer made.
How can I verify a dropship is one of yours?
You can contact our HQ or wassap to us, we are more than happy to help.
Is there is any payment that I need to make join your dropship?
Yes, you need to pay RM100 for registration fee and you will got and ID number from us. Please fill up those ID number at the membership price everytime you make a purchase.
We also will teach you free marketing strategy, how to optimize your sales and support from HQ. You will also got a free premium gift from us worth RM 50.
How can I make the payment.
You may bank in into our account and send your proof of bank in to us.
What kind of courier that you use to make your delivery?
In Kuala Lumpur area, we will use Swift Delivery, and for outside Kuala Lumpur, we will use Poslaju to send you the item.
I'm interested to be one of your crew, how can I apply?
We provide a wide range of job offer that may suit you, just send your resume via email to us and we will contact you as soon as we can.
How can we contact you?
You can contact us via wassap, call or message, or you may even consider to send you enquiry to our email.
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#kedaibunga selangor